Τα υαλοπετάσματα είναι αυτοφερόμενες κατασκευές που στηρίζονται στα δομικά στοιχεία των κτιρίων, έχουν θερμομονωτική και ηχομονωτική ικανότητα και περιορίζουν τους κινδύνους συμπύκνωσης υδρατμών, στο εσωτερικό αυτών. Αποτελούνται συνήθως από ένα σύστημα ειδικών διατομών αλουμινίου (κάναβο) με ενισχύσεις στηρίξεως από ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα και ειδικούς, διπλούς ή πολλαπλούς υαλοπίνακες που χρησιμεύουν ως υλικό πλήρωσης. Τόσο οι διατομές αλουμινίου όσο και τα στηρίγματα τους υπολογίζονται, ώστε να αντέχουν στα ίδια φορτία, στις ανεμοπιέσεις, στο χιόνι, στις έντονες βροχοπτώσεις και στον σεισμό.



Τα βασικά είδη υαλοπετασμάτων είναι:

  • Τα κλασσικά (standard)
  • Τα κυψελωτά (structural-semi structural)
  • Νέας τεχνολογίας (eco)


Tα γενικά χαρακτηριστικά τους είναι:

  • Απαιτούν μικρή συντήρηση και είναι ανθεκτικά στο χρόνο
  • Αποτελούνται από ελαφρά υλικά και δεν επιβαρύνουν την οικοδομή με επιπλέον βάρος
  • Είναι διαθέσιμα με ελάχιστη ή και μηδενική εξωτερική εμφάνιση αλουμινίου
  • Δημιουργούν συνεχείς ομοιόμορφες επιφάνειες υαλοπινάκων
  • Δένουν αρμονικά με το περιβάλλον, λόγω της αντανάκλασης αυτού, πάνω στην εξωτερική γυάλινη επιφάνεια των κτιρίων
  • Ενισχύουν τις διαστάσεις των κτιρίων σε ύψος και πλάτος
  • Αρμονική συνεργασία με άλλα συστήματα αλουμινίου για εισόδους, παράθυρα κλπ

Etalbond is a new product of modern technology, designed for different applications that needs flat aluminum surfaces.  It offers the possibility of implementation of each creative design, with new aesthetic shapes, curved and multifaceted, with many color combinations.
Etalbond is the best solution for metal coating for interior and exterior surfaces in new constructions and renovations. The material is stiff, lightweight and durable and has good insulating properties, resulting in energy-efficient buildings. Also, the placement is easy and can be formed into a variety of shapes.
The main advantages of Etalbond are:
Excellent power to weight
Increased stiffness
Simple molding techniques 
Due to its light weight, poor technical knowledge and time to gather them are necessary, unlike traditional constructions
Quick setup
Resistant to extreme weather conditions (exposure and temperature)
Extensive tests during production guarantee the ability of materials to resist extreme weather conditions
Extremely UV characteristics, retaining color after long exposure
Easy maintenance - pollution, acid, alkali and salt resistant
The panels can be easily cleaned with a mild detergent because of the smooth surfaces
Because of curves and flat surfaces in impressive colors, they create a new stylish look to buildings and structures of all kinds.
Attractive and flexible the Etalbond is the ideal coating material for interior and exterior surfaces, either in new constructions or renovations.

Because of the high strength and low weight, Etalbond is ideal for any kind of housing scheme. Etalbond is a building material that can easily be formed into a small radius, allowing a greater variety of shapes than many other  competitive building products. Undoubtedly, the investment of a Etalbond system will be a greatly aesthetic improvement of every old building and even increase the value of its property.

Όταν το ζητούμενο είναι η ασφάλεια του σπιτιού σας, τότε η επιλογή είναι μία: Αντιδιαρρηκτικά συστήματα αλουμινίου ΕΤΕΜ Anti-Vandal ETEM Anti-VandalΗ πληρέστερη γκάμα αντιδιαρρηκτικών συστημάτων είναι πλέον γεγονός.

• Τα θερμομονωτικά συστήματα υψηλών επιδόσεων Ε-45 και Ε52 της ΕΤΕΜ πιστοποιήθηκαν κατά WK2 από το διεθνές ινστιτούτο IFT ROSENHEIM.

• Η πιστοποίηση έγινε με τα πρότυπα ΕΝ1627, ΕΝ1628, ΕΝ1629, ΕΝ1630.

• To ανοιγόμενο θερμομονωτικό σύστημα Ε-45 είναι το μοναδικό Ελληνικό σύστημα που έχει λάβει πιστοποίηση WK2 χρησιμοποιώντας κλασικό μηχανισμό ανάκλησης camera Europea.

• Το συρόμενο θερμομονωτικό σύστημα Ε-52 είναι επίσης το μοναδικό, χωρίς μηχανισμό ανασήκωσης, που έχει πιστοποιηθεί κατά WK2. Η πιστοποίηση WK2, αφορά την αντοχή του κουφώματος σε προσπάθεια παραβίασης με εργαλεία χειρός και σε διάρκεια όχι λιγότερη από 3 λεπτά ανά σημείο παραβίασης. Τόσο η Ε45 όσο και η Ε-52, δοκιμάστηκαν σε έξι διαφορετικά σημεία παραβίασης με συνολικό χρόνο προσπάθειας παραβίασης ανά σύστημα τα 20 λεπτά.

Η πιστοποίηση των δύο συστημάτων της ΕΤΕΜ, έρχεται να συμπληρώσει την ήδη πετυχημένη και πιστοποιημένη σειρά E-85 anti-vandal. Η σειρά Ε-85 anti-vandal ανήκει στην κατηγορία των υαλοπετσμάτων και είναι το μοναδικά Ελληνικό σύστημα που έχει πιστοποιηθεί από το διεθνές ινστιτούτο IFT ROSENHEIM. Το σύστημα της Ε-85 anti-vandal, αποτελεί την βέλτιστη λύση προστασίας επαγγελματικών κτιρίων, τραπεζών και πολυκαταστημάτων.

Με τα συστήματα Ε-45, Ε-52 και Ε-85 anti-vandal, η ΕΤΕΜ διαθέτει την πληρέστερη γκάμα λύσεων και προϊόντων προστασίας για κάθε μικρή ή μεγάλη αρχιτεκτονική εφαρμογή.

Πλεονεκτήματα για τον ιδιοκτήτη

- Μέγιστη αντιδιαρρητική προστασία και ασφάλειας της κατοικίας.

- Ολοκληρωμένες τεχνικές λύσεις για όλες τις κατασκευαστικές τυπολογίες.

- Μικρή επιβάρυνση του κόστους λόγω της χρήσης ειδικά σχεδιασμένων ενισχυτικών διατομών.

- Πληθώρα αισθητικών – σχεδιαστικών λύσεων με ίσιες ή πομπές γραμμές.

Πλεονεκτήματα για τον επαγγελματία

- Χρησιμοποίηση των ίδιων βασικών προφίλ και εξαρτημάτων των σειρών.

- Ενισχυτικές διατομές προ επεξεργασμένες από την ΕΤΕΜ και έτοιμες για τοποθέτηση.

- Σημαντική μείωση του χρόνου κατασκευής των κουφωμάτων. - Διατήρηση των ίδιων κοπών και κατεργασιών των προφίλ.

- Χρησιμοποίηση των κλασικών μηχανισμών ανάκλησης με camera Europea.

- Δεν απαιτούνται πρόσθετες ιδιαίτερες προσθήκες και ειδικά εργαλεία για την τοποθέτησή τους.

- Οι ντίζες του μηχανισμού είναι από αλουμίνιο προσφέροντας αντιδιαβρωτική προστασία.

- Μικρή επιβάρυνση στο τελικό κοστολόγιο λόγω της ειδικής σχεδίασης των πρόσθετων διατομών


Σημείωση: Πολλές από τις χαλύβδινες πόρτες ασφαλείας που κυκλοφορούν στην Ελληνική αγορά, έχουν πιστοποίηση WK2 παρόμοια με την πιστοποίηση των συστημάτων αλουμινίου Ε-45 και Ε-52.

The need of constructing a system that would fulfill the safety specifications, practicality

and elegance pushed us to create systems and aluminum doors with high quality and

safety. The development and perfection have led the company the next few years in a

high growth. Aluworld contributes to the realization of sustainable building envelopes,

 which in relation to nature and technology they put human needs in a leading

role. While high standards are fulfilled in designing, comfort and safety, they also reduce

CO2 emissions and conserve natural resources.The company in aluminum

offers customized products for new construction and renovations, which have designed

to respond to the user's individual requirements in all climate zones.

The business success is proved by many satisfied customers.

We always offer quality solutions, with resulting in delivery times.

Learn more about our products and ask us for an offer!

Ε22 is one of the oldest and most utilized sliding systems in the Greek market. The newly renovated E22 was designed to integrate all the benefits that made E-2200 ARTEMIS so successful throughout the years with the recent contractual and aesthetic requirements.
E22 is a system that meets all modern specifications, certified by accredited laboratories, specially designed for medium and large openings. With a large number of sash profiles, E22 offers both straight line and round contour profiles giving aesthetic flexibility to the designer or architect. 

The new E22 is an exceptionally durable and long lasting system.


Ε22 offers: 
• Capability of creating durable constructions for large and medium openings 
• Perfect end result, in straight or square lines, which is mainly due to the wide range of profiles 
• Increased security due to the sue of a three-point lock 
• Optimum tightness 
• Smooth and safe use due to the special mechanisms used
• Capability of powder painting in any RAL color, special woodgrain patterns and other surface processing methods - anodizing

• Two-sash, successive sliding frames, with or without a screen 
• Three-sash and four-sash, successive sliding frames 
• Three-sash, successive sliding frames 
• One-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• Two-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• One-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter 
• Two-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter

E36 sliding system with thermal insulation is designed to offer a complete solution in replacing old sliding frames that recess inside narrow wall gap 'tunnel'.
The system’s design allows us to construct a frame that overcomes traditional limitations and compromises that are associated with the specific typologies. E36 provides modern aesthetic and functional frames with technical characteristics often found in heavier and more expensive systems. 
E36 is designed with straight line profiles, and a very short bottom frame (rail guide) of only 25mm that does not form a “step” with the floor when we replace old doors and windows. The height of the moving sash is only 75mm allowing for more brightness inside the building.
The advantages of E36 are the high level of thermal insulation and water tightness, unique in this category of systems. The innovative design of the system places the insulation on the sheet and the frame in the same vertical axis, allowing for glazing up to 24mm. Also the tubular guide helps water to drain quickly during extreme weather conditions.
Finally, the excellent characteristics of the system, combined with the possibility of using a lift and slide mechanism to move the sash, make the E36 an ideal solution for small and medium size openings.

Ε36 offers: 
• Narrow rail, ideal for substitution of older windows
• Modern aesthetics with straight line profiles design
• Short bottom rail of only 25mm
• Narrow height sash of 75mm allowing for more light inside
• Increased water tightness and thermal insulation
• Ability to operate also with lift and slide mechanism
• Sealing with EPDM gaskets 
• Drainage system capable to channel large water quantities
• Capability for electrostatic powder coating in any RAL color, special woodgrain patterns and other surface processing methods - anodizing

• two-sash, successive sliding frames, with or without a screen 
• three-sash and four-sash, successive sliding frames 
• three-sash, successive sliding frames 
• one-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• two-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• one-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter 
• two-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter

E50 is one of the most modern thermal insulation systems ETEM. Designed for medium and large openings, E50 combines the trends in modern architecture with the needs arising from the strict standards for energy conservation.
In designing E50, we took into account parameters such as the growing need for a brighter building interior, the ease in operating the window, safety, energy conservation and protection from severe weather conditions.
E50 is a system designed to cover a wide range of requirements, in both existing and new buildings, that have medium size and large openings. The system is rigid and capable to operate under heavy loads resulting from the large glass surfaces, while it is subtle enough to be used for smaller windows.
With 50mm sash width and innovative design, E50 is a robust system with excellent thermal insulation and water tightness characteristics rendering the system an ideal choice for the majority of residential and commercial applications




Ε50 offers: 
• Robust constructions for large and medium openings
• Contemporary aesthetics with in straight line design
• Easy operation with lift and slide mechanism
• Excellent water tightness characteristics
• Capability of powder painting in any RAL color, special woodgrain patterns and other surface processing methods - anodizing.


• Two-sash, successive sliding frames, with or without a screen 
• Three-sash and four-sash, successive sliding frames 
• Three-sash, successive sliding frames 
• One-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• Two-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• One-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter 
• Two-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter

E52 is a sliding system that belongs to the new generation of ETEM’s thermo break systems and offers excellent thermal insulation and sound reduction characteristics in its category.
Designed to fulfil aesthetic and functional needs, E 52 offers a wide range of profiles, both for straight lines and rounded contours, that give the flexibility to construct a very wide range of typologies. 
E52 is a 38mm width sash system ideal for medium to large openings. Its innovative design with features such as the use of polyamides up to 34mm wide, the ability of the system to carry heavy glass weights using Stainless Steel rails that ensure durability and functionality over time and the ability to construct frames with Anti Burglar certifications, are all features that, in combination with the very good technical characteristics, render E52 an excellent choice for a sliding Thermal Insulating system.


Ε52 offers: 
• A capability of creating durable constructions for large and medium openings
• A perfect end result, in straight or square lines, which is mainly due to the wide range of profiles
• Increased security due to the sue of a three-point lock
• Optimum tightness
• Smooth and safe use due to the special mechanisms used
• A capability of powder painting in any RAL color, special woodgrain patterns and other surface processing methods - anodizing

• Two-sash, successive sliding frames, with or without a screen 
• Three-sash and four-sash, successive sliding frames 
• Three-sash, successive sliding frames 
• One-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• Two-sash, flush mount glass pane-shutter, with or without a screen 
• One-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter 
• Two-sash, flush mount glass pane, with or without a screen, with an external shutter

Ε3000 is a heavy duty thermo break sliding system. The system is designed taking into consideration contemporary architectural trends for maximum sun light and best view in very large openings.

Ensuring durability and proper functionality over time E3000 has been the choice in many hotels, resorts and residential applications were the demand for maximum light penetration in combination with increased thermal insulation and sound reduction was essential.

The system using lift and slide mechanisms perfectly combines effortless movement, even with very large frames, with superior insulation characteristics that are achieved by using EPDM gaskets to seal the sash to the frame when in rest position.

E 3000 is a 60mm width frame system, dependable with proven reliability in projects throughout Europe that offers modern straight line profile design and security with a three point lock system.



E3000 offers:
• Top level thermal and sound insulation
• Optimum tightness even under extreme weather conditions
• A capability of creating durable and strong constructions, covering large and medium openings
• Saving space in large openings
• Perfect security due to the special three-point lock
• A capability of powder painting in any RAL color, special woodgrain patterns and other surface processing methods - anodizing

• Two-sash, successive sliding frames, with one fixed and one movable sash
• Two sash, successive sliding frames, with two movable sash
• Four-sash, successive sliding frames (with double rail), with two fixed and two movable sash


Ε70 is a sliding system with high thermal insulated characteristics, suitable for very large openings.
Following the needs for very large openings with systems that are easy to operate and enable the inhabitants to easily access to the outer area, ETEM designed and produced E70, a system that allows maximum sunlight penetration and offers “Less Frame” technology.
A uniform structural glass view, without excessive gridlines, allows for the unique sense of integration of the internal area of the structure with the external scenery and landscape.
E70 is a 70mm sash width system that offers aesthetics, functionality in combination with structural durability, thermal insulation and sound reduction characteristics.


E70 offers
• Option to install mosquito net
• Reliable lift/slide GU hardware.
• Sash depth 70 mm, sash height 102 mm and 88 mm
• Excellent thermal and sound insulation; 
• Structural durability effortless movement in very large frames.

• Single rail
• Double rail
• Triple rail

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